Created during June 2024

The Amsterdam Startup Landscape

ACE was preparing for the soft launch of their rebrand to Cæmpus. They tasked me with analyzing data from the past decade (and beyond), during which they supported academic entrepreneurs in starting and growing their companies. My goal was to identify trends and interesting patterns that could be shared with the audience at the event. Additionally, during the event we highlighted the gaps in the existing data, emphasizing the importance of contributions from the community to ensure that future entrepreneurs can benefit from the collective experience.

The final slide about the Amsterdam Startup Landscape
Zooming in on the top right that contain the legends

The final visual was designed specifically for a slide format. Since we planned to zoom in on several sections of the slide during the event to explain interesting insights, the other text elements were kept relatively small but still legible when zoomed into.

One of my favorite aspects of this design is the use of “epicenters” around the startups that have received funding. The more funding a startup has secured, the more rings surround it, creating a clear visual hierarchy. This approach makes it easy to identify and emphasize the startups with the most significant funding.

Zooming in on the left section to show the wide variety of startups and technologies

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