A visualization that turns the digits of the number π into a visual presentation. Each digit is converted into a certain direction to step. With 360 degrees of a circle, divided into 10 step directions. You can follow the path that the digits make and how this is always random, no matter if you look at 100, 1000, or even a million digits.

After seeing the examples of Martin Krzywinski’s π art work I wanted to venture into the world of data art myself. My idea of using the digits of π to step into a certain direction certainly isn’t new, but most versions I could find had first converted pi into another base (4 or 16 for example). Therefore, I went ahead with just keeping it in base 10. I plotted and colored the data in R and then imported the PDF into Illustrator to add some text and legends.
Read more about the data, design an creation in my blog.