“Wanderlust” is a data art + generative art collection, a BlockStyle, that I created for EthBlock.Art. My algorithm takes the transactional data from each Ethereum block in the blockchain and converts it into a unique, but deterministic, image, visualizing several aspects of each transaction. People are able to decide for themselves which block they wish to mint, thereby creating a collaboration between myself as the artist and the minters to define which the final blocks / images will be the final collection.

Each visual is a representation of the transactions that occurred within a single Ethereum block. In short, squares represent transactions where Ethereum was transferred, sized according to the amount. Circles are ERC-20 transactions, whereas a pulsing circle marks an NFT. Diamonds are all else. The approximate transaction fee (known as “the gas”) is plotted on top of each transaction. Sometimes the gas is barely visible, sometimes they form “bubbles” larger than the transaction itself. Finally, everything is scaled to the largest Ethereum transaction of the block.
You can still browse the Wanderlust collection and mint the block you like by going here. I’d recommend using the squirrel icon along the top-left to see new random blocks/images until you come across one you really like. The sliders along the right of the image give you the possibility to fine-tune the visual to your liking.
Apart from a random block whose design you like, you can also decide to mint a block that has historic significance, or that has special meaning to you, such as the block containing your first Ethereum transactions, your birthday, or another special moment in time.
For a much more detailed explanation of the data, but also the design side of this project, see my write-up.