I created a large poster for Janssen that provides an overview of the ingredients within their product portfolio, and the extent to which those ingredients are observed across a network of healthcare data that is available throughout the Johnson & Johnson enterprise. Revealing insights such as seasonality in use, and in which areas of the world the ingredients are taken the most. This poster was created to make the employees of Johnson & Johnson, the mother company of Janssen, aware of the wealth of data that they have at their disposal to do research.

Although created during the summer of 2017, it took until October of 2019 before all the databases involved gave their permission to publish this poster outside of Janssen.
The poster is divided up into three main sections. The top part shows how many people were exposed to the drug between 2006 - 2016, per database. The middle section reveals how all of this data is spread across the 11 different databases and how these are divided between different regions / countries. And finally, the bottom section shows more detailed metadata about each ingredient; brand names, what it’s used for, since when it’s being used and more.
Overall the poster, meant to be printed on ±A0 sizes, shows a wealth of information, which was exactly what the client at Janssen wanted to convey; revealing to their employees that perhaps there’s more data available to them to do research with than they were aware of.