Created during August - November 2023

The GitHub Top Contributor Network

Through the Builders program (previously MIECO) of Mozilla, I collaborated with Adam Bouhenguel, to create an elaborate visualization that shows the top contributors of any GitHub repository and especially highlight those that have been awarded with ORCA. The Open Retrospective Compensation Agreement (ORCA), conceived by Adam, is a simple agreement for businesses to share revenue with the open source contributors who make that revenue possible. The network shows how top contributors to a certain repository are connected to the (other) repositories that they have made commits to, thereby showing how providing compensation to these contributors could have a ripple effect throughout the open source community.

The Top Contributor Network of PDF.js
The Top Contributor Network for Terraform
Hovering over one contributor will highlight all of the repositories that this person has committed to

You can read a very extensive write-up on the entire design and creation process in my blog.

I created another visualization for the ORCA release, which shows the entire commit history of any GitHub repository.

Hovering over one owner in the Terraform version shows all of its contributors in the top contributor list
Hovering over the 'owner' of Mozilla in the pdf.js version will highlight all of the contributors that have made commits to any repo owned by Mozilla

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