Upcoming events
March 19-20, 2025
European Convention Centre, Luxembourg
May 13-15, 2025
May 28-30, 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
I love teaching others new things, to open their eyes to something they didn’t know was possible. What I love the most is therefore to make others enthusiastic about something that I’m passionate about, which in this case is the visualization of data. To make them change their ways, even slightly, the next time they come into contact with it.
Over the past few years, I’ve created several talks that aim to inspire & teach about different facets of data visualization. From more general topics such as showing different ways to go beyond the default to create more effective visualizations, to showing the design process of some of my most elaborate projects. But I also like to go in a bit more technical to explain more expert points, such as how to take SVGs beyond the norm.
I also used to give the occasional workshop about creative data visualization techniques, but I’m afraid that I’m no longer giving workshops.
Nevertheless, all my talks are filled with various forms of data visualization eye-candy to show the audience that there’s probably a lot more possible in the realm of data visualization than they knew. I also like to show them that data visualization can be fun and that it’s not just about the data, but also about the story you want to tell and the emotions you want to evoke.
Feel free to contact me if you’d like me to come and speak at an event, meetup or another gathering of people. Below you can see the current talks that I could give. Hopefully, one or more will fit with your audience.
I’ve given the following talks in the past as well, but I find that they’ve become too old or outdated for me to give anymore. Still I’ve added them here for reference:
Here are a few videos of the talks I’ve created over the past few years, during the very first time I’ve given them, which I feel is the most nerve-wracking moment you can have with a talk. But afterward, you also have the best adrenaline rush.
Below you can find a list of all the public talks and workshops that I’ve given. I also give presentations in-house at companies, but I’ve only placed the company events below where non-employees were also welcome.
October 26-27
Namur, Belgium
October 12
Utrecht, The Netherlands
July 13th
Manchester, UK
June 1-2
Utrecht, Netherlands
May 10-12
Malaga, Spain
May 3-5
Porto, Portugal
October 6 - 7th
Paris, France
September 1 - 2nd
Berlin, Germany
June 13 - 15th
December 8 - 9th
December 3 - 4th
November 9 - 12th
October 25th
October 15
October 14
Women Talk Design Speaker Stories
September 21
August 20-21
May 27
May 22-24
April 16
March 4
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
February 24-25
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
February 20
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
February 13
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
November 30th
Tokyo, Japan
Oct 31 - Nov 1
Namur, Belgium
October 7 - 8th
Calgary, Canada
October 3rd
Data Visualization Society Meetup
New York, US
June 4th
Minneapolis, US
June 3 - 6th
Minneapolis, US
May 27th
Utrecht, the Netherlands
May 17 - 18th
Utrecht, the Netherlands
May 3rd, 2019
Leeds, UK
April 18th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
March 11 - 13th
Cape Town, South Africa
February 9th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
January 24th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
October 19 & 20th
Potsdam, Germany
October 12 - 14th
San Diego, US
October 8th
Utrecht, the Netherlands
June 26 & 27th
Toronto, Canada
June 14 & 15th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
May 3 & 4th
Helsinki, Finland
April 23rd
Utrecht, the Netherlands
April 4th
Zwolle, the Netherlands
March 29th
Utrecht, the Netherlands
March 23rd
Oxford, UK
March 11 - 16th
Pamplona, Spain
March 7th
Düsseldorf, Germany
January 25 - 27th
January 17th
Munich, Germany
January 16 & 17th
Munich, Germany
November 2nd
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
September 22 & 23rd
San Francisco, USA
September 8th
Antwerp, Belgium
September 4 - 6th
Brighton, UK
August 31st & September 1st
Zürich, Switzerland
August 24th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
June 22nd
Bristol, UK
May 15 - 17th
Düsseldorf, Germany
May 5th
Berlin, Germany
April 28th
Utrecht, the Netherlands
April 24 & 25th
Boston, USA
April 13th
San Francisco, USA
April 4 - 6th
San Francisco, USA
March 9 - 11th
Munich, Germany
February 28th & March 1st
London & Edinburgh, UK
February 17th
London, UK
December 14th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
December 7th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
November 30th
Melbourne, Australia
October 5 & 6th
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
September 22 & 23rd
London, UK
September 5 - 7th
Brighton, UK
May 31st
Utrecht, the Netherlands
April 25 & 26th
Boston, USA
April 19th
Enschede, the Netherlands
March 10th
Amersfoort, the Netherlands
March 4th
Zeist, the Netherlands